Did you know that bentonite clay for dogs has the ability to treat and prevent many health issues? Maybe your dog’s mud baths aren’t so terrible after all.
Seems crazy right? That something so basic just may be the answer to your dog’s health struggles … but it’s true!
Science continues to prove that this ancient remedy has many healing properties. And now you can find it added to conventional treatment plans too.
So if you haven’t been using this great supplement for your dog, you may want to consider it. But first let’s talk about where this healing clay comes from.
What is Bentonite Clay?
Bentonite is a negatively charged, highly absorbent clay. Native American tribes call bentonite ‘Ea-Wah-Kee’ which means “the mud that heals”. There are different types of bentonite clay, depending on the dominant mineral within its sodium, calcium, potassium, etc.
It's mainly comprised of aged volcanic ash. Healers around the world have used it to treat many ailments for thousands of years including :
Digestive issues
Skin diseases
Immune support
One of the largest sources is found in Fort Benton, Wyoming, which is how it got the name Bentonite.
Top Reasons to Use Bentonite Clay
1. It's Great at Helping a Dog's Body Detoxify
This is due to its polycationic nature. Which simply means it acts like a magnet for positively charged particles.
This makes Bentonite clay a super magnet to absorb positively charged toxins … so it’s highly effective at removing heavy metals and chemicals from the body.
You may see Bentonite added to some commercial animal foods. And this should be a red flag for you. This is because it’s added to help protect against toxins such as molds. Aflatoxins are one of the main mold chemicals to worry about. They are very toxic to the liver and are known to lead to cancer. In 1989 a study found that Bentonite clay was able to reduce aflatoxin contamination in water by 34% on its own. And another study reviewed its support for pigs fed corn contaminated with aflatoxins.
They found that Bentonite clay was able to restore liver function. And it didn’t affect their digestion of good nutrients.
2. Support for Dogs with Kidney Disease In addition to toxins and metals, this clay is also great for helping the body remove organ toxin wastes. These can build up when organs start to decline and age.
One example is its ability to support kidney disease. It’s a safe, natural phosphate binder choice if your dog has kidney disease.
But make sure you check with your holistic vet before using Bentonite clay for your dog, because her dose will be unique to her case. Bentonite may
3. Treat and Prevent Parasites
Bentonite clay works in similar ways to diatomaceous earth (DE) for parasites. But it’s less abrasive when taken orally than DE. You just have to remember to give your dog extra water as it will absorb a lot of water from her gut.
This is how it helps clear intestinal parasites. It dehydrates them and binds them to be removed in her stool.
4. Improve Immune Function and Gut Health
Feeding Bentonite clay helps with detoxification but it also provides many trace minerals. And these trace minerals are often missing in diets. Even raw and fresh diets can be missing them. This is because so much of our soil is becoming depleted of these minerals. Which means the vegetables that grow in them, and animals who graze on them are also deficient.
These minerals are easily absorbed by the gut even if your dog has some digestive issues. And it supports the beneficial bacteria in the gut to improve digestion and immune strength. That’s because 90% of of a dog's immune system comes from the gut. So balancing the good bugs and the bad bugs is important. This gives your dog the strength to fight against bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
5. Relief for Skin Issues and Allergies
Bentonite clay helps both internally and externally to provide skin and allergy relief.
Internally it helps by removing toxins, parasites and bacterial overgrowth from their gut, helping the immune system remain strong and balanced.
But you can also use it topically to soothe skin irritations and bug bites due to its natural antibiotic properties. DIY Bentonite Clay Healing Paste:
Mix 1 part clay with two parts of filtered or spring water.
Mix well to form a paste to use topically.
Apply the paste to irritated skin.
This paste is very soothing and great at drawing toxins out of the skin. And it’s also safe if your dog licks it. But remember if you’re also giving it internally, you may want to lower your dose. Too much bentonite clay can cause constipation.
REMEMBER to make sure your dog has access to plenty of water throughout the day.
CAUTION you'll want to check in with your holistic vet first if your dog is on any medications or herbal remedies. And if your dog is pregnant or nursing you'll want to avoid using bentonite clay orally.